Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Antifa in Boston May 13

Boston Common at noon.

Here's the link.

Interesting how every 12-18 months the same Leftist fcuks do their Leftist schtick under a new Leftist organizational name?  Just sayin'.

Extirpate fewer than 500 of these Leftists across the nation and watch how docile they become...

Monday, May 8, 2017

Antifa Says They Are Coming With Guns...

Here's the FB page.

Any objectively honest Patriot will admit several points: Too many 'Patriots' are fat, lazy, over 45, under-trained, comfortable on the sofa and unwilling to clear leather.

Another objectively demonstrable point: The Leftists are better organized, better financed, more motivated, generally much younger, training harder than most 'Militia' units, have far more support among the general population, - and will be willing to shoot first. It is a tiny step from hurling a Molotov to popping-off live rounds.

For every 'Patriot' tempted to float the rebuttals and excuses - don't bother.  We are dealing with objective observations.  Sure, 'once Patriots get into the fight' the paradigm may change.  But let's be intellectually honest - as you read this post, you will NOT pick up your kit and 'get into the fight' if a few Leftists drop a few OathKeepers or MAGA Trumpers at the next Berkeley mash-up.

The Leftists have every advantage.  And they are willing to press those advantages for their ideals.

If you consider yourself a Threeper, the time for clearly deciding in your mind under what circumstances you will leave the porch, is here.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Free the Hammonds

President Trump, we request that on Day One, Hour One of your Presidency, you Pardon and order the immediate release of Dwight and Steve Hammond.

Then we request you either pardon every American Patriot currently under indictment for the Bundy Ranch affair, or order your Attorney General to stand down the DoJ from prosecuting.

You can begin dismantling Bureau of Land Management and properly investigating the murder of LaVoy Finicum, on Day Two.

The III Percent Patriots of America

**This message has been submitted directly to the Trump Team.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Fighting Grade Magazines for the 1911 Pistol

Now available!

III Arms Company 1911 Combat Grade 7 round  mags!

Your choice of Stainless, Black, or Black with Lanyard loop & Lanyard!

All mags are engraved as pictured above.  Tested to 20,000 rounds!

Black Mags have 46-48 HRC surface hardness.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

What is SHTF Camp

A group of dedicated III Percent Patriots have secured a location deep in the American Redoubt that will serve as a muster point and safe zone for III Patriots who must Bug Out of their particular AOs when SHTF.  We call our refuge SHTF Camp.  We call the mountain upon which the Camp is located Liberty Mountain.

The SHTF Camp is situated on a highly defensible mountaintop in northern Idaho, well off the major lines of attack.  The Camp will serve as a safe haven for select III Patriots.  Cabins, caches of preps, camp sites, RV hook-ups, a community building, WiFi, and all the essentials that will be necessary in a Grid Down event or similar disaster.  The III Patriots in Camp will be Tribe - protecting one another and taking care of one another until the world becomes safe once more.

If you are a III Patriot who believes in Thomas Jefferson's Rightful Liberty, and you would like to be considered for a place in Camp for yourself and your family, contact us.  The III Patriots who manage the Camp can help you secure a storage vault and cache for your essentials, reserve a spot for your RV or camp site, or get your cabin set and ready for the Evil that this way comes.

You and your family can do more than merely survive the chaos and dangers that are imminent when the collapse begins.  You can prevail.